Tuesday 17 September 2013

Character, Location, Plot, Storyboard: Recreating Narnia

Me and my totally sweet crew were set the task to recreate the iconic scene from "Narnia: The Lion and the Witch in the Wardrobe" in which Lucy meets Mr Tumnus for the first time. As you can see, below is a story board which I totally didn't rush and finish within 20 minutes. It actually took 40.

We were given a script of the scene and the task was to simply to focus on camera angle more than anything else.
The location we chose was some nearby woods, because of the high availability and mild resemblence, despite the lack of snow. The many trees made it the best location for this, considering the short time we had to film and edit.
Around creating this masterpiece of a storyboard, characters had to be forged. Despite having seen the film already, it was decided that we would have our own take on the characters. This did however make Mr. Tumnus a really creepy fawn who may or may not have had ulterior motives. Unintentional, yet creepy and hilarious.

In my mind, Mr Tumnus was a Fawn who suffered with social interaction and is desperate for attention and friendship. In seeing Lucy he instantly sees an opportunity to make a friend and comes across as desperate and creepy, yet strangely lovable... After the creepiness. He has good intentions, but they don't always appear that way.

Lucy is a little British girl who has just stepped into the wondrous land of Narnia, and doesn't seem to really question why there is snow and a stupidly large amount of space in the wardrobe, which she originally went into to hid in a game of hide-and-seek.
It's because of this that we wanted her to come across as a bit dippy and easily lead, which she was. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she seems to lack common sense. Still, completely innocent if a bit annoying.


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